Herbal Remedies to Sleep Better

Herbal Remedies to Sleep Better

Nothing is more terrible than to turn and turn around in bed, eyes wide open, fixed on the alarm clocks or the digital clock on the bedside table. Fulminating and annoyed by the sleep time that leaks like the sand in an hourglass, and the fatigue that you can easily imagine the next day. As a result, many people who have trouble falling asleep, or who wake up one to several times a night, are unable to go back to sleep on their own. Anxiety and nervousness increase the difficulty, when they are not the pure and simple cause. Fortunately, there is nothing definitive and there are some natural remedies that can help you find the arms of Morpheus very quickly and gently. Discover the plants that are conducive to falling asleep and those that accompany you to sleep serenely.




Valeriana officinalis, is a classic of herbal medicine for sleeping well. Native to the temperate regions of Europe and Asia, valerian has been used since ancient times.

How does valerian affect sleep quality? It improves digestion, has relaxing and anxiolytic effects. Numerous studies have demonstrated the positive impact of valerian on the central nervous system: it is sedative, relaxing and spasmolytic (it acts against muscle spasms).

Valerian reduces sleep time and improves the quality of sleep. This has been demonstrated in a placebo-controlled study. People who use valerian have reported falling asleep faster. Furthermore, the recording of their brain waves during sleep has confirmed that valerian improves sleep structure.

Valerian is consumed in herbal tea, based on dried roots, capsules, mother tincture or granules. Take valerian for at least two to three weeks before feeling the effects.

The extra thing: combine it with lemon balm because according to a study, the synergy between these two plants promoting sleep would be as effective as a chemical sleeping pill – especially triazolam – and less side effects.

Plants and Essential Oils

We have already known for millennia that plants can offer solutions to our daily problems. There are a good number of plants whose beneficial properties on sleep are well established. Sleep treatments with these plants come in many different forms. We can cite for example herbal teas or even essential oils which are more and more used as a means of prevention and treatment of sleep disorders. Some people also suffer from insomnia, which can also be resolved by natural remedies.

Lemon has long been known for its calming properties on the nervous system. Lemon essential oil will therefore help you relax before sleep in order to make your body understand that it is time to fall asleep.

Soothing lavender, Appreciated for its fresh scent, lavender may also help slightly reduce anxiety. For example, it is recommended to infuse 1 to 2 tsp. dried lavender flowers in 150 ml boiling water for 5-10 min. Drinking at bedtime to fight insomnia. You can also take 1 to 4 drops of lavender essential oil per day, on a sugar cube or mixed with honey, to benefit from its calming properties. A warm bath with lavender essential oil (20 to 30 drops) can also provide relaxation before going to bed.

True lavender is known for its relaxing, calming and rebalancing properties. It is also a very good muscle relaxant and it has anti-depressive properties. It acts directly on the nervous system, which will help you fall asleep and relax you throughout the night.

Marjoram has antispasmodic, rebalancing properties of the nervous system, sedatives, used in particular against anxiety and hypertension. Its essential oil allows you to find a deep and restful sleep.

We can also mention the sweet orange, whose main property is to be sedative, that is to say, to facilitate falling asleep. It is recommended in cases of anxiety, nightmares, and more generally sleep disorders.

CBD oil

CBD, the second most popular ingredient in cannabis, appears to prevent addiction and also leads to less sleep disturbance compared to THC, as reported in a recent study by the World Health Organization (WHO). In other words, best CBD vape pens  made from cbd isolates calms a person’s nervous system and helps them fall asleep. This is how it helps with the treatment of sleep disorders. Not only that, but experts also believe that there are many cbd isolate benefits helps prevent the breakdown of a chemical neurotransmitter in the brain that affects emotional state, mental function, and pain. This increases the number of sleep-promoting molecules (e.g. Melatonin, the central hormone that regulates chronobiological rhythms) in the bloodstream, which therefore causes drowsiness and ultimately more or less light sleep, depending on the individual.

CBD has therapeutic effects to fight insomnia, for tired people during the day: cannabidiol in the morning in small quantities, will make you more alert and, although it may seem paradoxical to regain sleep, if the cannabinoid is taken at this time, the yield can be improved, help regulate the phases of sleep and will make you sleep wonderfully.

According to various studies (like one from the University of Friborg in 2008), top CBD gummies UK helps reduce REM sleep, the lightest and during which dreams take place.

Thus, some people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder may use it to avoid nightmares if CBD Oil provides too much you can also try cbd vape UK. They not only control dreams, since cannabinoids (also THC) regulate breathing, but also control night breathing.


Linden flower extract has been known since Antiquity for its soothing qualities, very favorable for falling asleep. It is also more generally recommended for people prone to anxiety and stress. We also use linden buds to calm restless minds, especially for children who have trouble falling asleep and suffer from nightmares. Lime blossom extract is drunk in the evening or even after a large meal, as it also aids digestion. In the form of honey, it is perfect to enhance an infusion. In floral water, diluted in a little water or in an infusion, the lime tree helps to sleep.

Other Hygienic-dietetic rules

Avoid heavy meals in the evening: the sleep that follows is then of poor quality, more unstable, favoring respiratory events.

Avoid going to sleep deprivation: it is responsible for fatigue the next day which aggravates the drowsiness already induced by sleep apnea.

Evaluate with your doctor taking sleeping pills, especially benzodiazepines, and avoid alcohol: these substances act directly on breathing during sleep by dramatically increasing all respiratory events.

Maintain or reduce your weight: weight gain is accompanied by infiltration tissue by fat, including in the back of the throat, which contributes worsen or even cause sleep apnea syndrome.

Avoid the back position while sleeping if breathing events occur basically in this position. Sleeping on your back is the position that promotes the more the apneas. Tips to avoid this position like a ball tennis shoes sewn into the back of the pajama jacket, or compression systems more sophisticated.

Treat any nasal obstruction that will increase the difficulty of air passage.